A Sculpture for Philippa van Loon, The Other Statue (after E. Gorey)

Ceramic with matt white glaze
28 × 18 × 14 cm, (ed: 2), 2006


A Sculpture for Phiulippa vab Loon, Installation viewL Museum Van Loon, Amsterdam, 2006

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Having grown up inside a museum, Philippa van Loon admits to feeling a touch menaced by the objects in the family collection. These circumstances recalled the aristocrat – found dead in his gardens after receiving a fateful blow from a hand which freed itself from a marble statue on the roof – depicted in a drawing by Edward Gorey. Miss van Loon thought that the fallen hand should not be clenched,but slightly open, as though caught. It is made from the same pale material as the crutch-like support that gives it a life-like poise. A model of this hostile object was realised as a contribution to the exhibition Le Nouveau Siècle at Museum van Loon, Amsterdam, curated by Xander Karskens.

Nouveau Siecle, Museum Van Loon, Amsterdam, 2006.
Zes, Marc Foxx, Los Angeles, 2007.
The Freedom of Negative Expression, Chapter, Cardiff, 2007 (solo).

Germaine Kruip